Mike S3 Trainer

SB - No
S1 - No
S2 - No
S3 - Yes
S4 - No
S5 - No
E - No
P - No
SRA - No
SRB - No
SRC - Yes
F2A - No
Fe - No
WG - No
AL - No
CR - No
WR (Water Resistant) - No
ESD - No
HRO - No
CI - No
HI - No
M - No
PU - No
PU/RU - No
DDR Technology - Yes
Vibram - No
ParaBolic - No
The Mike is suitable for indoors: transport, logistic, handling, distribution, small industry, small business sector, interior work, services and administration.
Product Code: PB295
Standard: EN ISO 20345:2011 S3 SRC
Weight: 500 grams
Colours: Black/Blue
Size Range: 6–12

Upper: Grained soft water-repellent full grain leather with blue side strip.

Lining: Three-dimensional micro-porous textile, high breathability.

Sole: SP-Light / EVA – Nitrile rubber.

Toecap: HDFC Composite Fibre.

Anti-perforation insert: High tenacity composite.