account application

Account Application Form

Please fill in the below fields to complete the account application form.
Registered company name *
Trading address *
Postcode *
Is the invoicing address the same as the above? *
Invoicing address *
Postcode *
Type of business *
Please specify 'type of business (other)' *
Do you have a website? *
Your website URL *
How long has the company been established (years)? *
Do you have a Company Registration Number? *
Company Registration Number *
Is your company VAT registered? *
VAT Registration Number *
Does your company have an EORI Number? *
EORI Number *
Nature of business *
Payment Method *
Currency *
Amount of Credit Required *
Is the Company a Member of a Buying Group? *
Name of Buying Group *
Membership Reference *
Would you like a website ordering portal account setting up? *

If yes, please provide the name and job title of your main admin user. Please note: This person is able to create other users in your company.

Full Name *
Position *
Email *
Telephone *

Purchasing Contact 

Purchasing contact full name *
Email *
Telephone (Landline) *
Address *
Postcode *

Accounts Contact 

Accounts contact full name *
Email *
Telephone (Landline) *
Address *
Postcode *

Sales Contact

Sales contact full name *
Email *
Telephone (Landline) *
Address *
Postcode *

Marketing Contact

Marketing contact full name *
Email *
Telephone (Landline) *
Address *
Postcode *
Do you consent to our marketing, new catalogues, emails and offers? *

Our contractual relationship with you and all goods carried by us for you are subject to our Standard Terms and Conditions.

Disclaimer: I/We request a Credit Facility with Performance Brands Ltd. I/We have received, read & understood the Terms of Trade and agree that all transactions between us will be governed by those Terms. Specifically, I/We agree to pay all Invoices rendered correctly by Performance Brands Ltd within the stated period. I/We give my/our consent to a credit search being made on me/us as owner/partner or director of this organisation both now & at any future date. I/We understand this search will be recorded by the agency & may be disclosed to subsequent enquirers.

Who should sign?
Limited company: Director, Company Secretary or authorised signatory.
Partnership: One Partner.
Sole Trader: The Proprietor only.

Signature *
Full Name *
Position *
Date *

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